A Mother, A Wife, A writer,
A Virtual Assistant, An Independent Accessory Stylist, A Boss......
I am an Perfectly imperfect being.
Begin Again as often as you need to, in order to stay on track spiritually.

These are my Musings
Published Novelist Writer
Virtual Assistant Personal Assistant
Marketing Social Media
Independent Contractor Independent Accessory Stylist Blogger

This Blog began in 2009, as an outlet for my writing Journey. I've had extended breaks and in those times it became something different. It became a way for me to address issues that mean something to me. To explore and flush out ideas. To allow MY voice & thoughts the energy they deserve.
My professional resume is available on LinkedIn. The links to my pages are available below. Links to my Literary work will be added. My titles can be found on Amazon.
Here I will express myself......
These are my MUSINGS.....