Lincoln is handsome as hell. Everything about him shouts masculine. He is a beautiful man that stands at a towering 6 feet 4 inches. He has the broadest shoulders that flow into a solid back. His legs are awesome. When he walks, the muscles flex from his well defined thighs to his calves. With a clean shaven head, he wears a goatee that frames the strong features of his face. All this and skin the color of cognac draped tightly over it.
Now tell me when you close your eyes and picture this man you don't think....Mind Candy.
Kendrick physically looks alot different from the teenage boy that I met in 1994. Then he was a chubby 18 year old with a baby face and a wide smile.
Now Kendrick is grown and sexy at 30. He stands at 6 feet and 1 inch, and has the husky build of a football player. He slimmed out a little and sprang up a little more. Skin, the hue of mocha with eyes to match. He still has that baby face devoid of facial hair. Wide smile, still in effect with dimples that can melt any woman's heart. He abandoned the small unkempt Afro he used to rock and now has dread locks that sway along his rounded shoulders. Each one looking as though its been kissed by the sun.
Mind Candy # 2. I hope that when the ladies read about these men it will intrigue them to want to know more.
Thank You to everyone that had a chance to read my blog entry's and teases. Until next time.
Lots of Love Literary Liz.