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Begin Again....

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

"Begin again as often as you need to in order to stay on track spiritually..."

I have to say this to myself when it seems I have tried EVERYTHING and NOTHING works out just the way I planned!

I have been off my game because I hit a massive wall in taking the next step with my Manuscript " Love TORN Asunder". I thought I was on the fast track to getting my book edited and then the Finale... having it published. However, the reality is I am NOT in a great financial situation to be able to afford such services. I was blown away by the fee that it would cost to take on such a project. Thinking about it... I understand that it does take time and scheduling has to be done. I was not prepared even still.... and after a long time away, I have decided that I can NOT allow this to be the end. I have worked this HARD for so LONG I will NOT allow this to defeat me. I just have to look into other outlets and get my network on to get my voice heard.

I have already began taking notes for my 2nd Manuscript... I am already anticipating my future as a successful author. You must believe in yourself first. Right??? That was part of my issue. Why I fell off. NOT that I didn't believe in what I was doing and what I wanted to accomplish. I STOP believing that it was possible. I thought that all my efforts was just for me and me alone. That I was not going to be given the chance to make it a reality. I mean how many people share this dream? Why would I think that MY dreams would come to fruition? The difference NOW is I NO longer believe that. I wont stop until I MAKE it a REALITY. I owe it to myself and ALL the people that believe in me and have supported me through this. I owe it to those that don't support me. Because if I accept failure I have proved them right. Most importantly I owe it to my Family. My children and the Man that has ALWAYS stood by my side. For them... ALL of these people. I will keep moving forward.

With ALL of their help and Yours I will be able to reach my Dream.

Thanks for hanging in there...

Lots of Love Literary Liz....



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