In preparation to release my second novel in the'TORN"series,"Bitter Sweet Conclusion"I have slashed the price of"Love TORN Asunder"to ONLY $10.00 with no additional shipping added to your purchase.
Making a purchase of"Love TORN Asunder"from this website will automatically make you eligible to purchase"Bitter Sweet Conclusion"at a discounted rate upon it's release.
In"Love TORN Asunder"you met five very real characters all telling their side of events that has them all tangled in a web a deceit. In the follow up Novel "The Bitter Sweet Conclusion", you will be immersed in the muddy waters that follow the storm!
LESLIE:Will have to come clean about all her sins one-way or the other, while laid in a hospital bed the gritty truth becomes known.
LINCOLN:Gets the whole picture of exactly what’s been going while away at work. The phase while the Cats away the mice will play is mild compare to the information that was just dropped on him.
KENDRICK:Male gigolo at your service experience his scathing antics and doggish ways catching up to him and getting him in a situation that may end his life for good.
DEVINE: Entangled in an affair that she had no idea she was participating in finds out how a woman of her means decides to settle the score. ????
HER:On the verge of losing it all, she will not only make those that have done her wrong pay but she will also become so enraged inside her own anger that she may not be able to see her way out.
Raw, Real, Romance, all in one Novel..."The Bitter Sweet Conclusion"is the explosive sequel to "Love TORN Asunder" By: Elizabeth Funderbirk
Where"Love TORN Asunder"lit the flame,"BitterSweet Conclusion"spreads the fire!
Special snippet Below:
What she fails to realize is that all men cheat. All men are dogs. They all get restless. They will eventually succumb to those needs and it will be to another woman. Most men get caught and the one’s that think they got away without the little lady finding out, well they are delusional. The woman always knows. We always find out. The one’s that don’t speak up don’t want to play the fool. They know damn well that they are not leaving this man regardless of his indiscretions. They turn a blind eye. Some confront their other half only to be met by apologies and promises that it will never happen again. This may last for a few weeks if they’re lucky then it may last a few months but it won’t last forever. It never does. You have the woman that will confront their man and then dedicate all their free time to making sure their husband never does this again. These are the woman that become inspector gadget. They will never be happy again because they will never be at ease about what has become of their lives, of their marriage. Who could? When your life has turned into a never ending mission to stay one step ahead of the adulterous husband. Checking cell phones, text messages, emails, pants pockets…The list is never ending and neither will be their quest to keep their man’s penis inside his pants. Good luck with that. Whatever the situation is, it all boils down to, men ain’t shit.
Lots of Love Literary Liz....