*Originally posted May, 29th 2011.*
"Love TORN Asunder" has been released! Whew.... The official date was the 30th of April. I am truly Blessed to have made it to this point. You can place an order on my website With each order I will include an special THANK YOU gift from me to you. Also there will be NO shipping cost added to you order.
This road although bumpy has many rewards.
I am learning every day that the easy part was penning my manuscript, and if you have kept up with my Blog you know that the writing part was no easy feat for me and my circumstances either.
Now that we are approaching mid May, I have to say the support on my project has been OUTSTANDING! Much more than I ever anticipated. That in itself is a Blessing to be Thankful for.
Being NEW in the Literary world as not just a reader but the person behind the words, has proven to more complicated then I thought. You must teach yourself how to market yourself. How to get attention on your Project and do so in a Professional yet catchy manner.
I am Learning everyday! I must say this though, just because a certain system, road, technique worked for some. Does NOT mean that it will work in your best interest. Not to say that said advice is not GREAT. It may not work for everyone. Or everyone may not be able to work it. MY advice is listen to those that have encouraging words. Especially if they have successfully traveled the road you are now on.
Be prepared for those that will offer advice... that does NOTHING to help you. They will talk you in circles and when all is said and done you are no more wiser then when the conversation began.
Be prepared for those that will offer advice... that is cloaked with a sarcastic edge. These people feel like their Blue Print is the end all be all. Just because someone has obtained success going one route does not mean your ideas are so off base that You too will not obtain success. Some of these individuals find it their duty to step on your thoughts, in the most political manner.
Be prepared for those that will offer advice... that is really geared towards them making a come up. They will offer strategies and solutions and when you get down to the Bottom line, there is something in it for them. Which makes you think of their real motives.
Then there will be people that want nothing more then to be an advocate for you. That find Joy in assisting another on their way to Greatness. These people are few and far between. There are soooo many of the others it's sometimes hard to wade through it all.
This is a Bitter Sweet reality... I am learning everyday!
My advice... is take the steps you need in order to make your dream a reality. However small those steps are to begin with. Everyone has a starting point. Dont jump 3 steps ahead when you have not mapped out that road yet. Just because so and so said that is the better way to do things. You cant walk in other persons footsteps.
I always say... I am not basing my success off of the success of the next person. I cant be worried about the person next to me. I can ONLY concern myself with me and what I plan to accomplish and the step I need to take to make it there. Their Blue Print is not mine.
Thank You so much for visiting my Blog.
Lots of Love Literary Liz..