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Emotional Roller-coaster...

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

I have been on an emotional roller coaster....

I have come to you all with all that I have been going through in order to get my Manuscript edited, published and circulated to the masses. Well, if you have been keeping up with my Journey through this Blog you know that I have been in contact with an editor that was refereed to me. She is wonderful. However we did suffer through a break down in communication. Mostly due to my lack of technical knowledge. When she advised that maybe this project required time that she may not be able to dedicate because of her already full work load... to say I was heartbroken is an understatement. I cried the entire day! I however did not reply to her with anger. Because anger is not what I felt. I completely understood her point. I do need a little more patience. I am sure that she is used to working with Authors who have more of an idea of what it entails to produce a project like this. Also ones who have more skills when it comes to different technology. This was a blow to me and my ego. I felt deflated because I have been working on the writing of the book for quite some time. I started this Blog as a way to express myself on the Ins and outs and the ups and downs.... All surround my work. My first Manuscript. "TORN". So when I think that I am closer to realizing my dream and that news darkened my email, I didn't know what to do.

This is what happened. My support team stepped in and picked me up. My Honey (Jerome) :-) My mother in Law and my sister in law. They consoled me, They encouraged me, and they made me smile.

After that, I knew that there will be days like this. And that nothing worth having comes easy. I already knew that, but sometimes you have to get knocked down just to prove to yourself that you can get back up. I am now still standing tall. Maybe even taller. Because I have already made my way through that... I will be able to handle whatever happens next with a better understanding.

My editor, contacted me again after withdrawing from my project. We are in the process of trying to iron things out. I want to continue to work with her. I feel like she is already so much a part of my journey.

I will let the Lord have His will and it will end up just the way it's always been intended.

I will keep you all posted if we are going further or if I will be on the look out for a new editor. Although I hope that my search is over and stops with her.

Thank You so much for checking me out. I have been receiving so many visits to Trials, Tribulations, and Torn. That alone will make all the negative things disappear. Please don't be shy... leave a comment.

Lots of Love Literary Liz....



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