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Getting My Feet Wet....

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

When I started this process I had no idea all that it would entail.I thought to myself... write a book then send it to a publisher. From there it would be edited, printed , and released. Well it's not that simple. I am learning that now. Besides all the things that I have to figure out in order to have my book published there are personal hurdles that I have to climb. I am up for the challenges though. I believe that I have prepared myself for everything that will come my way. And for what I haven't prepared for...I will pray.

My first few weeks of writing I wasn't doing it in any sort of order. Ideas would come to me and I would jot them down. It was when I put everything together that I could see the story that was already being formed. It was only 100 pages when I decided to print it out. I read and re-read those 100 pages to death. Made corrections and changed things and situations just to read it again and change it back. I didn't know if I had it in me to be a good author. So I wouldn't ask anyone to read it and give me input. I had to rely on myself.

After writing for 3 months I did ask the one person in the world I thought would say I could do anything (My Mother) if she thought I could write a book. She said without looking in my direction and no hesitation, "No!" I pretended that the single word wasn't a blow to my ego. It was. Not because I thought that I was on my way to becoming a literary Giant but because she didn't even have to think about it. Nor did she inquire after the fact if that is what I wanted to do. She automatically said that I couldn't. That hurt. After that I thought maybe I'm in over my head. If anyone knows when you have bitten off more then you can chew it's definitely your mother...Right? So I wrote less and less. Until I stopped. In her defense this is something that I never shared with her so maybe she thought I was just talking out the side of my neck....Maybe.

So I prayed about it. The conclusion I came up with is that I will write this book for myself. No matter what the end result is. I will be proud of what I accomplish. No matter what the outcome.

Thank you to everyone that is following my blog. I will be leaving teases from my book soon.

Lots of Love Literary Liz.



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