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I Feel Cheated....

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

*This was originally posted October 23rd 2010.*

CHEATING is ANYTHING you do behind my back that you KNOW will make me unhappy/pissed if I find out! It is NOT always the act of intimacy. It is the BLATANT disregard for my position in your life. The dismissal of my feelings. The fact you took time to cover your tracks or that you believed you didn't need to cover anything because what you are doing/done is NOT cheating.....CHEATING is NOT always about sex/ an outside relationship. You can be CHEATING me out of feeling comfortable in our relationship/friendship. Making me feel as though I have to play detective/police officer/ inspector. When ALL I want to do is be your Lover/friend/ partner. CHEATING allows others to disrespect me. Because you do. Why should they respect me if your actions subtle or loud show such disrespect. If you have at any point displayed these types of actions... They may have been forgiven. However you may need to be patient with the person that felt CHEATED!



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