Refreshed, Restored, and Refocused....That's How I am feeling after spending the weekend with my family in NYC. I needed the time I could get my mind in a state where it was ready for all the upcoming plans that I have. Now that my book is all but finished I know that the hard work is truly coming. I am so proud that this part of my project it finished. There is something rewarding about what I have before me. That feeling alone is so worth it! I am going to be grinding hard because I know that nothing worth having just falls in your lap. The reward comes from knowing that you put forth the effort and there will be success for you. So the way I see it...I have already conquered this. I look to the future when it comes to my writing career. I have so many ideas that I pray I will be able to share with the world. Or at least those in the world that see things as I do, those who are willing to see things in a different light, and my supporters.
This upcoming book is not the only thing on the horizon for me.
I have a big move coming up. Most would consider this a bad time to be making such life changes but I know that I need change in my life all together. I need to purge the negativity and move on to the blessings that the Lord had laid in front of me all along...I was just too blind to see.
I think that some of us..or maybe just me, think that they are not worthy of happiness. So when happiness and fortune are within our reach we back away. Looking for something else, something that you feel is more up your alley. Backing away from that may not always mean doom. It will teach you a lesson, that is for sure. I was running in another direction because I was scared to take a hold to what was meant for me..... Going in that direction and trying to focus my attention where it wasn't meant caused some heartache and trouble, both for me and others I am sure. However it also made me smarter. It showed me that I don't have to seek out something else. Not when the real thing has always been there and has remained even when I faltered. This is the way it was always meant to be. This is what God has blessed me with and I will no longer keep fighting it. I will acccept it. I know he makes no mistakes...and thankfully for his Grace, he forgives us when we do.
Please read the blog from beginning to the end. I hope in doing that You will gain a better understanding of me.
Lots of Love Literary Liz.