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Mind Candy...

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

On my last entry I went over how I came up with the characters in this story that I wish to tell. Now that I have them established in my mind I have to make sure that every reader can see them as well as I do. They came alive the more I wrote about them. They took on lives of their own. All I had to do was become the vessel that put it on paper. When you (the reader) read the words, that is when they will become a reality.

I know when I'm reading a book I can see what's happening like a movie unfolding inside my mind. I want to be able to deliver my characters in this same fashion. Kendrick and Lincoln are handsome men that I am sure many women would love to meet. I call them Mind Candy since you actually can't see them with your eyes. You have to let your imagination form their images inside your mind as the words on the pages create their images. So instead of Eye Candy.....Mind Candy.

In The 2nd Tease from "Torn" which will have the same title as this entry "Mind Candy," I will give you all a look at what these Men look like. I hope that they are as tempting to you and they were to me.

Lots of Love Literary Liz.



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