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No Problem....

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

Through this whole writing process, I have been blogging about the ups and the Downs. Someone, who's opinion I value very much, pointed out that I write mostly about the Downs. So on this entry I want to talk about some of the high lights of this experience and TRUST there are so many. This whole entire experience is a blessing to me. What more could I ask for but to be doing what I have always wanted and dreamed of. The obstacles will come and I will conquer those. NO PROBLEM!......Finger's crossed.

Just last week I spoke with a wonderful author, H.D. Campbell, on my Facebook who has a web show. He will be interviewing me upon the completion of my book, "TORN" for his show. That alone is such a blessing but there is so much more. So many people have been supportive of me and encouraging. I get so many well wishes through my Twitter @LizFunderbirk and advice through other authors on my Fcaebook page. The closer I get to the end of my book the more anxious I become. I am so ready to get this book out to the masses and all the other books that I have in store.

I have always had these stories that I wanted to tell. Now that I have chosen to pursue this it's as though the words and images are never ending. If I can write as many books as I have running through my mind, then I will be doing this for a very long time. I just hope that everyone out there is up for the ride.

Lots of Love Literary Liz.



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