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Roses & Violets...

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

On my journey, I have befriended quite a few authors. Through many different outlets....On myfacebook, at the library, and on my twitter. Some of them, I immediately felt a kinship to because I have read their words. Taken part in their journey. Some are promoting their upcoming projects. Along the way I built up soooo many books on my "to read list." I am so excited to experience all these new people and their talent.

However, there is something that I want to challenge myself with. WRITING A POEM.... I have always been a story teller. Those stories running through my mind...picking up from where they left off the day before. In my opinion, poetry is more of a romance of words. Whether you are discussing the ways of love or the ways of the world. Today I will try to romance the words and see what happens. YIKES!! This new challenge for me does make me think though. Is this the sign of a good author? That they can write in any style and succeed? Can they excel in poetry, journalism, and novels? Will I be able to do this and do it well? If I don't, what does that mean?

I really don't know...but what I am sure of is that I don't want to hold myself back from things that I want to do anymore because I'm scared of what the next person will think. That's why it took me so long to start this journey... to write this book. So worried that I would not be good enough. I know that poems are not all rhyming words and "Roses are red Violets are blue." So I will dive into this and Pray for the best. No matter what, I will have tried something new...Have completed another challenge to myself... I will be happy and will forever have the proof that I tried.

So when I have my POEM...all completed I will post it right here on the BLOG. I will also tell everyone where they can find it else where along with other amazing poets.

Until next time...

Lots of Love Literary Liz



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