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Saving Lies Through Lit

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

Saving Lives Through Lit, is the vision of a beautifully, wonderful woman, Elizabeth Funderbirk.

After enlisting the help and support of Kiexiza Rodriquez, together the duo took her idea and brought it to life. Liz desired to bring people in the literary community together to support different causes.

And, when the call was sent out neither of them were let down from the responses that came in from the literary community.

Saving Lives Through Lit's first cause will be near and dear to both Liz and Kie's heats, Domestic Violence.Domestic Violence affects many homes across the world. many children, women, men, sisters, brothers, mother's suffer in silence daily, not knowing if today will be the day a shove ends their life, why they just can't get it right, why do mommy and daddy have to fight, what they can do to help their friend or family member get help, or even how the victim themselves can do to get out.

D.V. doesn't care if your black, white, Indian, rich or poor, man or woman. D.V. cares not about your social status, age, how much money you have in the bank, or what college you went to.Together many in the literary world, from writers, poets, graphic designers, editors, and others have banned together to add their voice and talents to the completion of this project.

SLTL is a non-profit venture. 100% of proceeds will be donated to select D.V. agencies and to support future project.NO ONE is making money from any sales, all monies earned are put back into the project, and are donated.

Any Questions, Comments, Donations, and/or Suggestions

Please email "Saving Lives Through Literature" at



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