When I started this Blog I wasn't sure if anyone would read it. All I Knew was that I had something to say. On top of that I knew that this would be a wonderful way to chronicle all that I was experiencing in the process of writing this book. " TORN"
I was so excited about all the prospects that I told quite a few people. People that I trust....However just because someone smiles about your news doesn't mean that they mean you well. I don't even think that most people mean it in a malicious manner. I just think that when people see that you are doing something to better yourself they don't want for you to be better then them. I believe that they subconsciously start a silent war with you. I think that they try extra hard without even realizing it to out shine what you are doing.....Maybe...I really don't know.
I was recently told by a dear person to me that you shouldn't tell everyone your dreams. She said this was something that was past on to her through a pastor. The more I think about it the more I understand. Sometimes you just have to move in silence and pray that others are receptive of what you have to offered. As long as you know that you put your all and your best into what you've done you can consider yourself accomplished.
I don't know what will happen when I am completed with this book. All I know for sure is that I will be better for having wrote it. That in it self will be my accomplishment.
Spread the love and leave me a message.
Lots of Love Literary Liz.