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Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

So my battle as of late is writing a Synopsis for my Manuscript " Love TORN Asunder" . When I sat down I was like this should be simple. Right? All I have to do is summarize my a Book that I have written and high light what I think the reader will be interested in... Boy was I wrong. This process is alot more in depth then I originally anticipated. I have been writing and re-writing trying to pick just the right wording to get my point across without giving away the entire story line. This is a process that I wasn't expecting to be so difficult but, I have learned through this entire situation that NOTHING about this is easy. NOTHING you really want is. Determination is key.... Your endurance will show just how much this meant to you. If you endure you will shine. Because you have given your all and allowed NOTHING to get in your way. I am definitely in it to win it... so my endurance will show and prove in the end. With all the being said... I am in a better place in my Journey. I have secured an editor and She is a Blessing to me. I was lucky to find someone that was willing to work with me especially with my minimal knowledge of the writing world. The other editor I was working with was Great. It was just a conflict when it came to finances ( I don't have and also the fact that there is still a lot that I am learning. That is why my current editor is truly a BLESSING. She it working on my project and giving it the care it deserves. Treating it as if it were her own. That is what I needed. In order for me to be able to move forward and be comfortable. I want to THANK Rhea Banks... For taking on my project. With your expertise and polish and I more then confident that my book is in the right hands. The way it was meant to be. ..... I wanted to leave you all with a Paragraph form of my Synopsis. This is just a taste... I am still working to make my full synopsis perfect. Please feel free to comment... ((( Leslie.... A young black woman climbing the ladder to success. She's in love with what seems to be The Dream Man and still she is at a cross words. In all aspects of her life. She is faced with making choices as to what her mind is telling her she needs and her body is telling her she wants. In order to do make these life altering choices, she must make her way through choosing life long friendships.... knowing when its time to move on is critical in any persons life. Holding on too long can prove to be disastrous. Choosing what direction her life long ambition to be a career woman... might not be what Mr. Wonderful has in mind. Is she ready to be Barefoot and Pregnant? Then there is the mess she created between Mr. Right and Mr. Available. Who will win her Heart, Body and Soul in the end? And will she be able to live the consequences of her actions and the people she affected along the way? ))) Lots of Love Literary Liz... :-)



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