Well... I am at the point where I have finally submitted my Manuscript "Love TORN Asunder" to a publishing company. Still waiting to get word back. This has me on edge.. waiting to see if someone likes your work. The work you have poured your heart into. (((sighs))) Well this is the path I choose by deciding not to self publish.
I have looked it the work they have done... and needless to say ( since I made a submission) I liked what I saw. I have been in contact with the publisher but, she has not made a final decision.
I first submitted the first 3 chapters... and 2 days later I was asked to submit more. I didn't know How to feel about that. On one hand... (I could be elated that the first 3 chapters spark some sort of interest and they wanted to read further. See where the story was going) and on the other hand... (I could be devastated. I mean that could mean they really weren't feeling it. However decided to read a little bit more to just make sure) Which is the case... I don't know Yet.
My support system seems to think that its good news. They say if they absolutely didn't like it they would not have requested more chapters. I sent up to chapter 24. If they don't get a feel for the story by chapter 24... then there's no hope. Don't get me wrong. That doesn't mean that I will throw in the towel. All that means is I will have to expand and continue on. I have done that a lot during this process. It has definitely made me stronger and showed me this is not a game. The literary world is a Business. One that I plan to master... and I know that takes time. Some fails and there will be Triumphs. I just have to have faith, be patient and work my ass off! lol
You see with me.. I can't allow myself to feel one way or the other. I HAVE to know for sure. I can't be excited just yet.. and I refuse to be sad thinking the worst. That is just me. Some say that I expect the bad... I don't. I just NEED confirmation.
So while I wait... I am taking notes on my second book. That will go hand in hand with book #1" Love TORN Asunder "but will be written so it can stand alone.
..... This process although nerve wracking, difficult and filled with pressure. Has brought me so much joy. It is also... rewarding, taught me discipline, and and my true strength.
Lots of Love Liz... :-)