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There Will Be Good Days.... & There Will Be Bad...

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

Lord, Lord, Lord....There are days that I have so much in me but I can't motivate myself to write. I have had these days. As a matter fact that's the kind of day that I am having today. I know that I need to be writing because I am in the process of wrapping up my book and my time needs to be dedicated to its completion. However I have had a trying couple of days. My Long distance boyfriend and I had it out!

Long distance is enough to stress anyone out. Then add on some DRAMA....I was an emotional mess. My patients were tested, my faith in Love, my ability to maintain, and definitely my motivation. But I'M BACK!! I allowed myself to be pitiful for one day only then I had to shake it off. Plus, I love this man...He is everything to me. Even when he is DEAD ASS WRONG and JUMPING ON MY LAST NERVE. I Love Him and I am Blessed to have him. I know that he feels the same way from time to time about me. So although I have been down and out I knew that I could not allow this whole day to be a bust. So here I am....Writing on my blog. This is why I write. To express, explain, and enhance myself. I have this urge to express myself...I want the masses to read my words and feel something when they are finished going on a journey with me. A journey that I created. I want to explain myself... I want others to know that there has always been a method to my madness. Even when I wasn't clear on what the method was. If they don't agree with what I have explained be it..I am not looking for validation.I have to accept myself. I don't need anyone else to do that for me :-). And I want to enhance myself...Who doesn't? I want these words that I choose to share with the world, that leave me vulnerable to enhance me as a person. That will free me to learn about something new. I pray that the reader will receive the same thing. That they will feel enhanced. Like there was something that they learned. Even if the end result is pure entertainment. That's cool. Because we all need to be entertained. Weather or not you take something from it will determine weather you let the experience enhance you.

I recognized that the are forces that don't want me to succeed but I rebuke those forces. I will not allow anyone or anything to stop me. This is what I am suppose to do.

SO........Tomorrow I will be back on my Grind. Tomorrow I will let my pen lead the way.

"I know the Good Days will out way the Bad Days so I won't Complain."

Thank you all for reading this. You will never know how much I appreciate that you sat down and read these word :-) Please tell a friend.

Lots of Love Liz.



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