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What Happens NEXT???

Writer: Elizabeth Funderbirk- RoweElizabeth Funderbirk- Rowe

* This was originally posted September 19th 2010*

...So I have been making some head way in my Book Publishing Quest... Although NOTHING has been finalized. I am feeling more confident... Mind you I may still be on the hunt for a publishing company. I am just realizing that the fear that I started with has slowly but surely diminished as time passed on and I keep pushing on.

When I began this process and I mean all way back to when I first started to pen this Manuscript... It was with a lot a hesitation. I was scared that I was not good enough, scared that no one would support me, and scared that I was doing this for nothing.

As time has passed I have grown in so many ways... The fear of not being good enough has faded with the knowledge that I am serious about this and certain I will perfect my skills.

The realization that the ones I thought would be my biggest supporters did not break me... It has opened my eyes to a world of support that I did not anticipate.

I know this is not for nothing because I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far... and that alone is worth it.

On this journey it is so important that you don't jump on this first opportunity that comes your way. RESEARCH and ASK QUESTIONS!!!

I felt an overwhelming sense of relief the first company that showed interest. I was wrapped in my joy. Until I laid there that night and wondered WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?!?!?You see since this is all new too me. I need to ensure that I am making the right choices, asking questions that are necessary in order for me to learn and grow in this literary world. Not allowing things to just happen because I don't want to ruffle any feathers.

I believe you can get the answers you need and NOT burn any bridges along the way if you just approach the situation in a professional manner. These are business people and should appreciate that you are conducting business in such a positive and professional manner.

You can't as a new writer allow yourself to be taking advantage of...

I have come up with some starter questions that you may want to ask when making inquiries with publishing companies. these are things that need to be consider to make an informed decision. You may decided this is the RIGHT choice for you. You may decide you need to expand your search and keep your options open. You may decide to self publish...

1...CONTRACTS:Will there be contracts sent to me? Advising exactly what it entails to be published by {INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE} ? What are the fee's that will be associated with this process?

Example: For editing( if necessary), Proof reading ( if required) ... and any services the publishing company provides that you may need clarification on.

2... PRODUCTION:Will I the author be in contact with the many people that may handle my work in the various stages of production?

You want to ensure that you are hands on with the production of your manuscript.

3.... PROMOTIONS:What if any promotion assistance will I receive?

You need to see if there is a budget for promotions.((Depending on the size of the company that may be left solely up to you the Author)) As an Author you should be prepared to promote you own work ANYWAY. However, ask questions regarding services that are provided.

4... PRINTING:Will my Manuscript be printed in mass quantity or will it be printed upon the request for sale?

What are the fee's associated with this process? And what is the price difference? Do I have a choice or which I prefer?

5... DISTRIBUTION:What type of distribution will {INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE} provide? Do you have a relationship with book stores ((National and/or Privately owned))? Besides {INSERT COMPANY NAME HERE} website,Will my book be available on Amazon? What other advertising will be in place?

As an author YOU should be prepared to get your book out to the public. You will need to research the different avenues that you can use to get this accomplished. However get clarification of role the publishing company you're interested in plays in all of this.

These are just questions to get you stated... At least this is similar to the format that I used. More questions will arise. DON'T be hesitant to receive clarification.

I hope this has helped someone... Please leave feed back and Tell a Friend.



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